the Guide for pastel decoration

 the Guide for pastel decoration

 this morning i woke up on a view like this , a pastel colored sky gave me the inspiration to write about pastel home decorating 

so what are pastel colors ?

pastel color grades

they're low saturated colors , it means that they have enough white mixed into them to turn them into a pale version of colors , they're a soft and calming colors which make them a perfect option for kids rooms , bedrooms and the whole house , 
as you can see in this post : 

1- pastel decor for kids rooms :

it's so important to make the room of our kids relaxing as much possible , so let's see the right colors with the right decoration (furniture,toys,lighting) :

pastel colored kids room

pastel colored kids room

pastel colored kids room

pastel decor office

if you noticed , bunnies and unicorns toys fit this decor very well , a nice smooth carpets , rainbows , smiley and clouds toys ...

2- pastel decor for bedrooms :

not only kids who can enjoy the smooth feeling of pastel decor, adults bedrooms could be so comfortable too with a bit differences :

pastel colored bedroom

pastel colored bedroom

pastel colored bedroom

pastel colored bedroom

for adults bedrooms we try to keep it as simple as we can , with one main pastel color and white as second color and keep the wall gallery simple and cute .

 3- pastel decor for living room :

when it's about living room , you can apply several colors with simple and nice colorful furniture and good natural lighting  

pastel color room

pastel color room

pastel color room

pastel decor room

pastel decor room

pastel color room

 4- pastel decor for kitchen :

well a pastel decorated kitchen looks like it's for preparing only candies , like you can start eating the walls and mugs , it's really comfortable and cute : 

pastel decor kitchen

pastel decor kitchen

pastel decor kitchen

pastel decor kitchen

pastel decor kitchen

 5- pastel decor for bathroom :

apllying pastel decor in bathroom makes them look so elegante and warm , with one colored theme , simple lighting and mirrors just keep it simple as much possible :

pastel decor bathroom

pastel decor bathroom

pastel decor bathroom

pastel decor bathroom

pastel decor bathroom

pastel decor bathroom

 6- recover old furniture by apllying pastel painting :

you can make your old boring furniture new again by easy way , just paint them with some beautiful pastel colors :

before after pastel furniture

before after pastel furniture

before after pastel furniture

before after pastel furniture

before after pastel furniture

what do you thing about this decoration? and would you apply it in your home ?


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